Observation Step 2


Wild and Free article 2SECOND STEP:  A Firm Foundation

Why, why, why?  Your children are always asking you why?  Now I want you to ask yourself.  Why have you decided to home-school your children?  Keep asking yourself until you can feel in your gut that you have gotten to the core reasons. It will likely take several attempts and some real searching, but figure it out so that you can be the master of your decision.  Make sure you are well-versed when speaking about it and can square your shoulders, look yourself in the eye and find determination and courage! Some days you are going to need it desperately!

Let’s walk through what this might look like…

Me: Why do you want to school your children at home?

You:  Because my child is being treated poorly at school.

Me:  Why does this make it important to homeschool?

You:  Because at home I can maintain a better environment.

Me:  Why is a better environment going to make a difference?

You:  Because my child will feel loved and appreciated.

Me:  Why is this important?

You:  Because in a loving environment they will be safe to learn and discover who they really are and what their talents are.

Me:  And why is this important?

You:  Because then they will have the chance to blossom and gain strength and find joy, courage and enthusiasm. We will have a stronger bond as a family and our family values will be nurtured. They will eventually share this with others and make life a more beautiful place.

Me:  So you have decided to homeschool because your hope for your child is that they may blossom and gain strength and find joy and courage and enthusiasm.  You want a stronger bond as a family and to have your family values nurtured.  You can see the day when your child will share this with others and make this world a more beautiful place?

Me:  Sounds pretty wonderful to me!

Now write all of this is your Observation Notebook AND post it in an obvious place where you can look at it every morning, every night and plenty of times in between.  Let it empower you to be brave.

Step Three:  Tune in next week!


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