Observation Step By Step


Step into Observation with me – let’s do it together one step at a time.

FIRST STEP:  An Observation Notebook

Observation begins with a pen and a notebook.  Your Observation Notebook is very important and will be unique to you.  It will be a place for your notes and insights. It is a place for you to write, draw and record each day of adventure.

So, go shopping!  Find the notebook that was made just for you – one that makes you happy, one that you can’t wait to open up. Use the same notebook every time. Buy one that is a little more expensive than your other notebooks.  We’ve all been guilty of buying a new notebook, to keep track of any number of things, only to find that a week later we can’t remember where we left it.  Make this notebook different.

Your Observation Notebook needs to become almost an extension of your hand! It cannot be left on the coffee table where it might fall prey to the toddler with a handful of crayons.  Don’t leave it in the van to be kicked under the seat. It should be protected and safeguarded. If done right you will find yourself growing very attached to your Observation Notebook and its valuable research. It will become like a dear friend to you. Take care of your friend!

SECOND STEP:  A Firm Foundation

Why, why, why?  Your children are always asking you why?  Now I want you to ask yourself.  Why have you decided to home-school your children?  Keep asking yourself until you can feel in your gut that you have gotten to the core reasons. It will likely take several attempts and some real searching, but figure it out so that you can be the master of your decision.  Make sure you are well-versed when speaking about it and can square your shoulders, look yourself in the eye and find determination and courage! Some days you are going to need it desperately!

Let’s walk through what this might look like…

Me: Why do you want to school your children at home?

You:  Because my child is being treated poorly at school.

Me:  Why does this make it important to homeschool?

You:  Because at home I can maintain a better environment.

Me:  Why is a better environment going to make a difference?

You:  Because my child will feel loved and appreciated.

Me:  Why is this important?

You:  Because in a loving environment they will be safe to learn and discover who they really are and what their talents are.

Me:  And why is this important?

You:  Because then they will have the chance to blossom and gain strength and find joy, courage and enthusiasm. We will have a stronger bond as a family and our family values will be nurtured. They will eventually share this with others and make life a more beautiful place.

Me:  So you have decided to homeschool because your hope for your child is that they may blossom and gain strength and find joy and courage and enthusiasm.  You want a stronger bond as a family and to have your family values nurtured.  You can see the day when your child will share this with others and make this world a more beautiful place?

Me:  Sounds pretty wonderful to me!

Now write all of this is your Observation Notebook AND post it in an obvious place where you can look at it every morning, every night and plenty of times in between.  Let it empower you to be brave.

Third Step: Section off your Observation Notebook with Space for each Child

mason legos wild and freeThe purpose for Observation is to be able to assist your children in finding those talents and activities that they are naturally drawn to.  This makes it a lot easier to find a “curriculum” that works for each individual child.  By curriculum I mean places, projects and learning that enhances who they are…their strengths and curiosity.

So, on to step three…Section off your notebook with a space for each child.  Here you will write about what you notice as you Observe your children in many different settings.

Read to them.  What books do they enjoy?  Write about it!

Talk to them.  What activities do they think would be exciting and challenging?  Write about it!

Go tripping with them.  What places do they most enjoy?  Write about it!

Work together, cook together, dance, build, create, write, sing, hike.  What is it that speaks to your children?  Write about it in your Observation Notebook!  Do it often, even if it’s only a few short thoughts.  You will begin to see patterns that will emerge for each child and will help you both as you create a Natural Learning Environment.

Fourth Step:  Review your Observations and take action.

Write the ideas that come to you as you review your Observation Notebook.  What patterns are you noticing? What is your gut telling you about your child?  About your time with them?  About who they are and how they thrive? Look for the large as well as the small. What has been flowing well and what has been a complete flop?

As an example: I get to spend a couple of hours a week with students in nature study.  I really want them to feel the Lord’s love for them as they wander through His creations. I recently observed, after a full four weeks, that though they were seeing our beautiful surroundings, they weren’t exactly immersing themselves in it. Clever conversations and enthusiasm for social time was compelling.  I love to listen to them talk with one another though I hoped for Mother Nature to get to join in the discussion more fully.IMG_3718

After careful Observation and thought, I encouraged them to spend a little time on their own – walking, sitting, playing, thinking.  They were happy to take my suggestion and each went their own way.  I found some wading in the water, some writing, some drawing, some wandering along the river path and some quietly thinking.  Afterward we came together to share our experiences.  The words that were shared were touching and inspiring!  Let me share a couple.  IMG_3715 (1)

“I realized that I feel close to God when I am in nature because He made all of this for me.”

“As I sat in nature it made me realize that I wanted to sing!” (This comment was followed by a simple hymn sung with great feeling).

I noticed that the atmosphere had changed and the Spirit we felt was pretty powerful.  There was respect for each other and the ideas that were discussed.  I learned yet another lesson about Observation and how it aids my clarity.