Family Ideals – Why we do what we do!

Your neighbor asks why you home school.  How do you explain it?  Are you even sure you have an explanation?

When we do something that is meaningful, like homeschooling, it can always be brought back to basic truths such as the following:


We believe in agency

We believe in independence

We believe in eternal families

We believe in allowing our children to fulfill their divine talents through discovery and nurture

We believe each child is unique, thus their learning will be unique to them

We believe in our appointed stewardship as parents

We believe in our family values, not those of the world

What is true for your family?  Why are you choosing to home school?

I recommend you take a walk, a ride or have a sit-down with your spouse and spend some time in conversation regarding your family ideals. Please give him a head’s up, a day or two before, so that he can be thinking about it and can come better prepared to participate. Our husbands’ heads are often swimming with work and home and lists and concerns.  We need to recognize this and act accordingly!  Begin with a prayer and listen to one another.  It can be an enlightening moment as you really listen and share your heart-felt desires for your family.

Afterword you will have a more clear picture of why you have chosen to home school and, quite possibly, a better plan for the coming days ahead! You will most certainly have a really good answer the next time your neighbor inquires as to your motivation for home schooling!