Dreams Turn Into Environments

Once in a while I highly recommend that you swing big and aim beyond the fence! Plan an extraordinary Environment.  Better yet, encourage your kids to plan an extraordinary Environment.

Lexie, my youngest daughter, has dreamed of going to Paris for over a decade now. She just turned 23 AND she just returned from a three-week tour of Europe – including her beloved Paris! She planned, dreamed, saved and continued dreaming for years.

Her older sister, Cassidy, accompanied her and together they toured four countries. Their primary reason for going was to serve in the refugee camps in Greece. Of course from Greece it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to France and the Eiffel Tower. They took the leap and landed in a small flat with a single window, however that window had a view of the Eiffel Tower and the smile on Lexie’s face will last a lifetime.

(One of the many benefits of this monumental trip – Lexie’s emerging talent for videography.) 

I have known families who have trained together for 5K runs, learned to scuba dive, built a log cabin by hand and started a family business. Whatever the “fence” looks like for your family, set the whole team down and talk about it, then put some power behind that bat and make it happen.  You’ll be glad you did!

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